src/sppool.h File Reference
The Main library header.
#include "spstring.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures |
struct | stringpool |
| An easy way to menage a pool of strings. More...
Defines |
#define | MAX_DIM_STRING_POOL 50 |
| The size of strings array into stringpool struct.
#define | UNUSED_SLOT 0 |
| Make the code easier to read.
#define | USED_SLOT 1 |
| Make the code easier to read.
Functions |
void | sp_initialize_stringpool (stringpool *sp) |
| Inizialize the given stringpool struct.
void | sp_free_stringpool (stringpool *sp) |
| Free the memory for any string saved into stringpool.strings array.
int | sp_sizeof (const stringpool *sp) |
| This simple function return how many strings are into given stringpool.
bool | sp_isempty (const stringpool *sp) |
| This simple function return a bool value based on stringpool size.
bool | sp_isfull (const stringpool *sp) |
| This simple function return a bool value based on stringpool size.
int | sp_find_string (const stringpool *sp, const string str) |
| The function search the given string inside the stringpool.
string | sp_get_string (const stringpool *sp, int pos) |
| This function fetch the string which is present in position pos in the stringpool.
void | sp_add_string (stringpool *sp, const string str) |
| This function adds the string str into the stringpool pointed by sp.
void | sp_add_string_pos (stringpool *sp, const string str, int pos) |
| This is a function adds the string str in position pos into the stringpool.
string | sp_remove_string (stringpool *sp, int pos) |
| This function remove the string in position pos into the stringpool.
void | sp_replace_string (stringpool *sp, int pos, string str) |
| This function replace the an old string , in position pos, with str into the stringpool pointed by sp.
int | sp_save_to_file (stringpool *sp, const string fname) |
| This function save the stringpool content in the given text file.
int | sp_load_from_file (stringpool *sp, const string fname) |
| This function load the file content into the stringpool.
void | bubble_sort (stringpool *sp) |
| A simple sorting function.
int | bin_search (const stringpool *sp, const string str) |
| This function search the string inside the sorted stringpool using the binary search algorithm.
Detailed Description
The Main library header.
- Author:
- Andrea Florio <>
Giuseppe Grassi <>
- Version:
- 0.2
- Date:
- 2010
Copyright (C) 2010
Andrea Florio 2010 <>
Giuseppe Grassi 2010 <>
This Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
Define Documentation
#define MAX_DIM_STRING_POOL 50 |
The size of strings array into stringpool struct.
Make the code easier to read.
Make the code easier to read.
Function Documentation
This function search the string inside the sorted stringpool using the binary search algorithm.
- Warning:
- The stringpool pointed my sp MUST already been sorted previously, argument *sp is const, the string will not been changed by that function.
- Parameters:
| *sp | Is the pointer to the stringpool. |
| str | Is the string to search into sp. |
- Returns:
- the position of the string if str is found, else -1 is returned.
A simple sorting function.
stringpool elements are sorted alphabetically using bubble sort algorithm.
- Parameters:
This function adds the string str into the stringpool pointed by sp.
- Parameters:
This is a function adds the string str in position pos into the stringpool.
- Parameters:
| *sp | Is the pointer to the stringpool. |
| pos | Is the position where str will be added. |
| str | Is the string to add into sp. |
The function search the given string inside the stringpool.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- the position of the string into the stringpool; or -1 if not present or *sp and str are invalid (NULL).
This function fetch the string which is present in position pos in the stringpool.
- Parameters:
| *sp | Is the pointer to the stringpool. |
| pos | Is position of the desired string. |
- Returns:
- The string in position pos into the stringpool or NULL if 0 > pos > MAX_DIM_STRING_POOL or sp is NULL.
Inizialize the given stringpool struct.
- Parameters:
| sp | Is a pointer to a stringpool struct. |
This function load the file content into the stringpool.
- Parameters:
| *sp | Is the pointer to the stringpool. |
| fname | Is the file from where the data will be red. |
- Returns:
- the number of elements red from file, or -1 in case of errors.
This function replace the an old string , in position pos, with str into the stringpool pointed by sp.
- Parameters:
| *sp | Is the pointer to the stringpool. |
| pos | Is the position where the new string will replace the old one. |
| str | Is the new string that will replace the old one. |
This function save the stringpool content in the given text file.
- Parameters:
| *sp | Is the pointer to the stringpool. |
| fname | Is the file to use for writing. |
- Returns:
- the number of the written elements or -1 in case of errors.
This simple function return how many strings are into given stringpool.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- the number of strings existing into the stringpool. or -1 if *sp is NULL.